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Series 1. Atom

The stories of all my paintings start from the hottest light.

An amazing butterfly dream of Zhuangzi, one of the famous Chinese philosophers. Once Zhuanzi dreamed that he was happy flying in the air when transformed into a butterfly. Suddenly, He woke up to be confused. He does not know anymore whether it was then he dreamed he was a butterfly or whether he is now a butterfly dreaming he is a man. This philosophic story makes us blow our minds.

One day, I found that a cup of glass was empty on the table with a light shining. At that time, I figured out that it was full of all shapes including the air, also. I`m not sure whether it is full or empty, all atoms in motion.

 “Atom”. An atom is the smallest constituent unit of ordinary matter that has the properties of a chemical element in science. The essential meaning of my ‘Atom’ has been taken from the Atomic theory of Democritus in Ancient Greece. It has a material and a soul together. There are atoms in the empty space. The atoms always will be in motion. I took the moment the atoms restructured themselves. It depicts the surrealistic moment that the bubbles of the atoms reconstructing the main body.

I think the loss of humanity came in these days so that the ancient Atom was parted from its soul. I hope my atoms let the people know that essential value include the humanity

1Atom 1 - 복사본.jpg

Atom no.1.50X50 Cm, Oil on Canvas

Atom no.11-50x40cm - 복사본.jpg

Atom no.11-50x40cm,Pencil on Paper

2Atom 2 - 복사본.jpg

Atom no.2.50X70 Cm, Oil on Canvas

Atom no.12- 75x75cm.jpg

Atom no.12- 75x75cm.Oil on Canvas

Atom no.16.jpg

Atom no.16 _90x72cm  Tuksun award in 2022,26th Tongil art competition

Atom no.17-45x53cm.jpg

Atom no.17-45x53cm. Oil on Canvas

Atom no.18.jpg

Atom no.18 32x170cm,Korean color on Hanji

© All fine art is autographed by Artist Hyeyoung Yoon.

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